Hệ thống trắc nghiệm ôn thi  Công chức,  Viên chức Số 1 Việt Nam
Hệ thống trắc nghiệm ôn thi  Công chức,  Viên chức Số 1 Việt Nam
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8 bài đọc đục lỗ Tiếng Anh thi công chức có đáp án- Xuân Bá

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Tuyển tập 8 bài đọc đục lỗ Tiếng Anh ôn thi công chức (mỗi bài gồm 10 câu, tổng 80 câu) của tác giả Xuân Bá. Làm và chấm điểm onine


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Câu hỏi 1. Most people think of computers as very modern inventions, products of our new technological. But actually the idea for a computer …..(1)……. worked out over two centuries ago by a man ........(2) ……Charles Babbage. Babbage was born …..(3)……. 1791 and grew up to be a brilliant mathematician. He drew up plans for several calculating machines …..(4)……. he called "engines". But despite the fact that he …..(5)……. building some of these, he never finished any of them. Over the years, people have argued …..(6)……. his machines would ever work. Recently, however, the Science Museum in London has finished building …..(7)……. engine based on one of Babbage's designs. …..(8)……. has taken six years to complete and more …..(9)……. four thousand parts have been specially made. Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a special exhibition in the Science Museum …..(10)……. remind people of Babbage's work.
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Câu hỏi 3. .
Câu hỏi 4. .
Câu hỏi 5. .
Câu hỏi 6. .
Câu hỏi 7. .
Câu hỏi 8. .
Câu hỏi 9. .
Câu hỏi 10. .
Câu hỏi 11. Pigs are large mammals belonging to the order known as artiodactyls. They are (11)______ animals with four toes on each foot. The two middle toes are the largest and carry all the (12)_______ of the pig. The outer toes are used only when the pig walks over (13)______ ground or very uneven surfaces. Unlike most hoofed mammals, pigs have short legs. They are therefore able to run beneath (14)______of trees. Their heavy bodies enable them to crash through thick undergrowth in the forest. These two factors are extremely important to pigs as they are (15)_____ of forests. Pigs have unusual way of keeping warm. Almost all land (16)_____ were kept warm by their hair but pigs are kept warm by a layer of fat (17)_____ the skin. This method of keeping warm is more common with (18)________ mammals such as seals. Apart from pigs, human beings are the only other land mammals that keep warm by having a layer of fat beneath the skin. Wild pigs often (19)______ in the mud to keep their skin in good condition. (20)____ to popular belief, wild pigs have clean habits and do not display extreme greediness.
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Câu hỏi 16. .
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Câu hỏi 20. .
Câu hỏi 21. Environmental pollution is a term that (21) …………… to all the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings, Man dirties the air with gases and smoke,(22)…….the water with chemicals and other substances, and damages the soil with (23) ………….. many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings (24)………….various other ways.(25)………..,people run natural beauty by scattering little on the land and in the water .They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing (26)…….. pollution. Environmental pollution (27)…….. one of the most serious (28)…….. facing mankind today. Air, (29)…….., and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things. Badly- polluted air can cause illness, and (30)……….death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land for growing food. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to man’s natural beautiful world.
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Câu hỏi 26. .
Câu hỏi 27. .
Câu hỏi 28. .
Câu hỏi 29. .
Câu hỏi 30. .
Câu hỏi 31. We send our children (31)............ school to prepare them (32).......... the time when they will be big and will have to work (33)......... themselves. They learn their own language so that they will be able to tell others clearly what they want and what they know and understand what others tell them. They learn foreign languages (34)......... order to be able to benefit (35) ........ what people (36)............ other countries have written and said, and in order to make people (37)......... other countries understand what they themselves mean. Nearly everything they study (38)........ school has some practical use (39)............ their life. We go to school (40).......... all to learn how to learn, so that, when we have left school, we can continue to learn.
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Câu hỏi 39. .
Câu hỏi 40. .
Câu hỏi 41. The first stamp in (41) …….. world was an English stamp. It was made ______(42)….. 1840. Before that time people paid money to the postman ______(43) every letter they received and the postman didn’t give letters to anybody ______(44) didn’t pay him. An English teacher ______(45) name is Rowland Hill thought much about it. One day he said that people who wrote the letters must ______(46) for them and not the ______(47). He spoke ______(48) it to people in the government. Soon all the ______(49) began to sell little pieces of paper ______(50) a stamp on them.
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Câu hỏi 50. .
Câu hỏi 51. In my childhood, the whole would sometimes go on a diet.......(51)...... that we were all oversized, far from......(52)...... In fact, one of my brothers was and.......(53)........ is one of the thinnest people. I have.......(54)....... know. The .......(55)........ for all this dieting was partly my father's health and........(56)..........my mother's strange ideas. My father had heart trouble.........(57).......... quite sometimes and the doctor advised him to cut........(58)......... on fats and smoking. My mother.....(59)....... this as a sign that all of us should restrain........(60).......... from over seating and immediately cut our food portions in half.
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Câu hỏi 59. .
Câu hỏi 60. .
Câu hỏi 61. My most embarrassing experience .....(61)...... when I had just left university. I had just .....(62)...... in a Liverpool secondary school. One morning my alarm clock didn't .....(63)...... I had forgotten to .....(64)...... it up. I woke up at half past eight and school began at nine. I .....(65)...... washed, shaved, dressed, jumped .....(66)...... my car and .....(67)...... to school. When I arrived the students .....(68)...... already gone into class. I didn't go to the staff room, but went .....(69)...... into class. After two or three .....(70)...... the students began laughing, and I couldn't understand why! Suddenly I look down and understood. I had put on one black shoe and one brown shoe!
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Câu hỏi 71. Watching television and go for a walk .....(71)..... the most popular leisure activities in .....(72)...... But although longer holidays and shorter .....(73)..... hours have gave people more free .....(74)....., women generally have little free time .....(75)..... men, because they spend time .....(76)..... domestic work, shopping and childcare. .....(77)..... showed that more men .....(78)..... newspapers than woman, and .....(79)..... slightly higher proportion of adults read .....(80)..... newspapers than read day morning national newspapers.
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