Hệ thống trắc nghiệm ôn thi  Công chức,  Viên chức Số 1 Việt Nam
Hệ thống trắc nghiệm ôn thi  Công chức,  Viên chức Số 1 Việt Nam
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10 câu đục lỗ Tiếng Anh Mai Lan Hương số 3

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Everybody want to have a happy family. It is a (1) ______ of all people in this earth to have a happy family. Comforts in life are (2) ______ when your family is not happy. Here’s the ingredients of a happy family:
             Unconditional love - Unconditional love means showing love (3) _______may happens. Expressing love through actions and words is a very important factor to have a happy family life.
            Understanding - A big room of understanding is a great (4) ______ also to have a happy family life. Understand the need of each family members. Wife should understand the need of her husband and vice versa.  Parents should understand their kids (5) _______ they are growing up.
           Quality time - This is very important to have a happy family life. Most happy families have time for (6) _____. Parents give priority to spending time with their kids during (7) ______ hours from work rather than having fun with their friends and associates.
         Honesty - Being honest to each other would also (8)………….. to a happy family life.
Care - A (9)…………………family is a happy family. Care for the need of each other.
        Patience and consideration - Consider minor differences, don’t make it a big deal. Have patience to (10)……………………. with it and this will contribute to a happy family life.
Câu hỏi 1. Everybody want to have a happy family. It is a (1) ______ of all people in this earth to have a happy family.
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